New developments include visiting the Saturday market in Belves (SO BUSY, oh my) and partaking in the random smorgasbord/food festival in Cadouin on Sunday (tons of food booths set up with all sorts of different things... We were sucked in by mussels and fries. DELICIOUS! Strawberries, raspberries, and whipped creme in a waffle cone for dessert, yum!). The boys started daily swimming and golf lessons this past Monday. Ewan and Theodore have swimming together in Belves at 9:30-10:30, Theodore has golf from 11:00-12:00 at the Lolivarie Golf Club, then Ewan has golf from 4:00-5:00... Needless to say, Monday through Friday has become a VERY busy time with all these lessons. Morgana, Theodore, and myself spent one afternoon at the Belves pool. It's a newer outdoor pool, built almost to resemble a beach... All edges of the pool very gradually steepen, with only a small area that would be considered a "deep end." It seems to be a great recreational pool and we had fun (there's also a really cool slide), but I have a hard time imagining the boys taking lessons here as it just seems as though it would be difficult maneuvering while doing laps, etc. in such an "organically" shaped pool... I guess the boys are still beginners though, so maybe that isn't a problem.
In attempt to aid in withstanding from potential oncoming "cabin fever" or going stir crazy, I've begun going with Theodore in the mornings to the golf course to smack some balls on the driving range and blow off some steam. I was a TAD bit nervous at first because both past experiences would suggest that, well, I'm a horrendous golfer... I'm talking brutal (I'm sure my Dad/the general population can both agree with that). Aside from hitting balls into the field at my old house, I have never had much experience with the sport. Last summer (or was that two summers ago??) while at our cottage, my Dad and I thought it would be a good (yeah, right...) idea to go to a nearby golf course and play a round. Let's just say we played as it drizzled rain and both left with our abdomens aching from laughing (particularly at my skills) so hard and often. I can't say that I played even a BIT well, but it was fun nonetheless. So, as the proposition came to me to go and hit some balls as Theodore was at his lesson, I figured it'd be a good chance to get out of the house and get some fresh air. I thought back to the last time that I picked up a golf club and thought it would be a good idea to do some "research" (hahahahaha), this idea brought me to youtube, where I pathetically entered "how to swing a golf club" or something absolutely ridiculous into the search box. I watched a couple of videos and made some mental notes, in addition to thinking in the back of my head, "Dear god, what in the world was I doing before??" and "Please don't make an absolute fool out of yourself," and after a while I figured I was as prepared as I could be and set off to Lolivarie...
Once I got situated at the driving range with my (first) bucket of balls, I mentally replayed what I had seen in the videos and attempted to implement it. Let's just say the first 5 balls or so didn't look like they were hit by Tiger Woods or Michelle Wie (although I was making contact), but once I slowed down and REALLY, TRULY started thinking about how I was gripping my club and the actual biomechanics (thank you Human Kinetics) behind how I was swinging, I started killing the ball (mind you, I was slicing HARD... Aka right towards the parking lot/road. But it was still going 100+ metres). Then as I continued through bucket numbers 1 & 2, then into my third, I had finally straightened things out and was hitting much more consistent and about 150 metres on average (although I was pretty close to 200m more than once! Hooray!). All-in-all, I had a great first day on the range and made a ton of progress... AND I managed to kick my previous memories of butchering any sort of club + ball contact right in the ass. Today was day numero dos on the range and again I continued to improve. Next on deck is to take a lesson and get some real instruction, specifically for me. I'm really enjoying my new interest and it seems like I've discovered a great new way to have some alone time and blow off some built up steam... There's nothing like pounding the crap out of a ball after listening to kicks scream, cry, and fight all day, my oh my! (Mom, Dad... Now I ask why neither of YOU ever golf? Haha, joking... Sort of :P ) Plus, it feels GOOD to take up something new and improve (I forgot how much I love new things! It's as if it were a tangible object, all shiny and new!). Who knows, maybe I'll come back and become Wheatley and Leamington's next big female golfer... Watch out Margot, I'm coming for you ;)
Today's newest addition to Thoumassou includes some portable soccer nets, which will be fantastic! It'll be nice to get out there with the kids, although the open space is severely slanted and will require some intense ball handling skills!
I haven't really busted out my camera much since being here, it's unfortunate... But I haven't actually had much down time for it thus far. Not to worry, there's still plenty of opportunities around the corner for photos and I look forward to it! Andrew, the kids, and myself went for a cruise to check out the nearby castles (from the car, they were all FAR too busy at the time): Chateau de Castelnaud-la-Chappelle, Chateau Beynac, Chateau des Milandes, and Chateau Fourrat (or something similar). Castelnaud and Beynac are the biggest and most popular... Beynac is especially intriguing since it is built directly into the face of the mountain/rock. Chateau Beynac and Milandes are both privately owned, although Beynac is open to the public and Milandes is not (Nathalie's mother, Claudine, was actually invited there once), and Andrew thinks Castelnaud is owned by the government. As long as private castle owners allow a portion of it to be open for public viewing they will receive funding from the French government for upkeep, etc. so many of France's castles, although privately owned, are still partially open to the public for that reason. I'm sure we'll go for tours at some point and I'll get some great pictures then... Until that time, I snagged some from online so you can all get the jist of how incredible (and enormous) these castles are!
---> Sorry, you'll have to click to enlarge since the images are being fussy, grr!!
Chateau de Castelnaud-la-Chappelle
That's about all for now folks... I better go since I think a very large moth/
bird just flew into my room and I better shoo it out before it decides to crawl on me while I sleep (wouldn't be the first time -- NOT a pleasant wake-up
Talk soon, bonsoir :)
P.S. I discovered there are TONS of tiny lizards here... And not only that,
there are wild hogs (Allan shot one from his and Claudine's bedroom window... True story). I'm picturing those vicious things you see on National
Geographic. We shall see if that image proves true, stay tuned...